Canada’s high court sides with First Nations in land rights case

June 26, 2014 12:30PM ET by Benjamin Shingler @benshingler Canada's top court has sided with a British Columbia indigenous tribe in a case that could have wide-reaching implications for land disputes over traditional aboriginal territories. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled Thursday in favor of the Tsilhqot’in Nation, a tribe of 3,000 in the remote interior of the Canadian province, [...]

Construction Liens: A Powerful Ally

If you work in the construction industry it is likely that at some point, someone has refused to pay you. Whether you are a contractor, subcontractor, or employed by a contractor or subcontractor, it is important that you understand the power of a lien. A lien can provide you with powerful protection in a situation where you are unjustly denied [...]

Judge tosses MDA’s offshore drilling plans for South Mississippi

BY ANITA LEE calee@sunherald.comJune 19, 2014 A chancery judge jettisoned regulations for offshore drilling in state waters, finding the Mississippi Development Authority failed to complete any meaningful study of the economic impact. Chancery Judge William H. Singletary ordered MDA to prepare a study resolving the deficiencies he outlined, which means offshore drilling will at the least be delayed. He issued [...]


In modern culture, attorneys and law firms are often cast in a negative light: either a joke’s punch line, or worse – as predators. In many instances the criticism may be well deserved. However, such a cynical view of the lawyer ignores the support the legal community has provided and continues to provide to social movements. Community lawyers can provide [...]

La. Appeals Court Affirms Shutdown Of Noisy Racetrack

  By David McAfee Law360, Los Angeles (May 14, 2014, 6:31 PM ET) -- A Louisiana state appeals court on Wednesday affirmed a trial court's judgment granting a permanent injunction barring USA Speedway LLC from operating its commercial automobile racetrack on its property in rural Union Parish, Louisiana, after nearby residents complained about noise and dust. Wednesday's appellate ruling affirms [...]
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